Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Youtube Vote

Dear 2008 Presidential election Candidates,

I am sorry to be the one to tell you, but your time is over. Pack it up, write your thank you notes, kiss your spouse and start your lonely drive back to the old farm. Because if your name is not Barack Obama, then you have no chance of winning the presidency in 2008.

Sincerely, Your internet watchdog.

According to Obama leads the "youtube" vote by an astounding number. The Obama campaign's Youtube channel has had over 620,000 views compared to runner-up Hillary Clinton's paltry 51,000 views. In this online popularity contest, Obama is the Brad Pitt of the online political world. With Clinton playing, lets say...Alec Baldwin.

Now seriously. I understand that "Youtubers" and "Myspacers" will have an impact on the election, but the fate of Youtube still has not been decided. Everyone thought that Howard Dean's web-campaign would push him into the Democratic nomination in the last election, but we all know how that ended up for him. "BYAAAHHH"

While the Youtube Presidential Candidates Channel is a great place for politicians to attract voters and also a place where voters can learn, but we still do not know the fate of the website. How will a small and devoted internet following turn in to real votes? I guess we will see.

1 comment:

gary said...

Try this on for size...

Unlike YouChoose, it gives you a more meaningful organiation, based on issue. In the interest of full disclosure, it's my site.
